Hello, this is my resume

Alex Bardales

I'm Alex Bardales. I write scientific code for a gas analyzer.
Sharing a bit about myself here on this page.

Work Experience


July 2019 ~ presentStaff Software Engineer

Picarro is a company that produces gas analyzers using cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS). Used in fields such as environmental monitoring, atmospheric research, and geology.

Specroscopic data modeling library

July 2019 ~ presentSoftware lead on next-generation sensor application. The project involves modeling the spectroscopic data with non-linear least squares regression. This algorithm is run on the instrument providing real-time quantitative measurements.

Model configuration service

2021 ~ 2022The legacy model configuration was an unwieldy mixture of ini files, but the Picarro scientists got wise and created a database version. What was left was to build a CRUD app and turn this into a service, which is what took place on this project.

Creating build pipelines

August 2019 ~ January 2021When I came to the team, there were no automated test suites or software builds for our in-house libraries, so I built that. I also created API docs using Sphinx to produce ReadTheDocs-style websites for developers.

Notebook servers

2020 ~ 2021Our legacy stack originally ran on Windows, but the company was in the midst of transitioning to Linux-based instruments. However, all of our engineers were on Windows machines and could not run the latest production code. Jupyter servers to the rescue! I maintained the environments and helped bring up the machines with IaC tools which eventually became the company standard for provisioning.


March 2017 ~ June 2019Software Engineer

(Formerly called Two Pore Guys) Ontera was a biotechnology company that specializes in developing nanopore-based biosensors for a variety of applications, including medical diagnostics, drug discovery, and environmental monitoring.

Core sensing algorithm

March 2017 ~ Middle of 2018Technical lead on the Event Detection algorithm for DNA translocation through the nanopore sensor.

Automated dashboard reports

August 2017 ~ December 2017Augmented and automated the reports used by the biochemistry team.


University of California, Santa Cruz

January 2012 ~ June 2015Undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering

University of California, Santa Cruz

September 2015 ~ December 2018Graduate program in Electrical Engineering

Signal Processing track

  • Center for Adaptive Optics for Biological Microscopy
  • Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)



  • I <3 Linux